Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and Safety is central to everything we do

“Without excellence in Health and Safety performance, nothing else matters.”

At Alb Brickwork we recognize that Health and Safety is always evolving, and we aim to be at the forefront. What is accepted today as adequate standards will likely be frowned upon in the future following advances in knowledge, working techniques and improved equipment.

Our safety management system is accredited to ISO45001 and includes some of the following elements:


This is conducted in many ways. Perhaps most successfully is face to face. Particular care is taken to ensure that it is not just the crews who do the listening, it is crucial that dialogue is two-way.

Behavioral Safety Training

This is a core element of our safety culture. It encourages individuals from all levels within the Group to ‘choose’ to work safely and recognize there are times that they need to resist the temptation to take a shortcut.

Audits and Reviews

We are committed to driving continual improvement within the business and our sites are regularly audited, using internal and external parties. This creates a culture where lessons are learned and continual improvement is embraced.

Disciplinary Measures

This is a necessary and important element of a successful safety management system. We aim to ensure that all persons connected with the delivery of our construction programs are trained, competent, supervised and provided with safe environments and tools in order to carry out their works. Should safety breaches occur then staff or sub-contractors will be assessed and given additional support if required. However, all parties are made aware that following blatant, reckless or repeated safety breaches, then disciplinary action may be forthcoming.

Regular Reviews

Safety, quality and environmental procedures and policies are regularly reviewed and assessed to ensure that improvements are made continually.